Meeting the Bae's Parents...

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          I'm  not sure if it't just me, but the idea of meeting my girlfriends parents was really intimidating. The thought of them looking at me strange or over analyzing everything that I might say was starting to give me a nervous stomach. Am I the only one who really wants to make a good impression on her parents, especially is she's wife material? Meeting someones parents can be the beginning of a happy story or it could also be the beginning of a hate novel. At first I battled within myself is it the right time, when is the right time? Why did you have to ask me! Then I thought to myself, she must really love you if she's asking me to meet her parents. Needless to say, I hugged her and smiled of course I cant wait to meet your parents! OK, so I lied.

      It wasn't enough that the woman that I loved had just wanted me to meet the two most important people in her life, I couldn't damper that with my usually sarcastic antics. I held on to the to sarcasm and slightly awkward quick witted responses that I would usually give off. Thinking only of talking points, such as education, family and work history that alone should have been enough to make me feel prepared to pitch myself to my girlfriends parents, but it wasn't. Even with all my accomplishments, I still managed to feel since of insecurity of meeting her parents. It wasn't that I was afraid of any questions that I couldn't answer, I was having anxiety thinking about having anxiety. More than likely if you're getting ready to meet your significant others parents, you're on the road to a serious and hopefully long-term relationship. Let's go through some ways that you can prepare for the big day with the parents and not embarrass yourself or your partner. Here are some points you should consider when you're ready to meet your significant others parents.

Rule number 1.- DO YOUR HOMEWORK on their parents. Ask questions as precursor to the official meeting date, the more you know about her parents the more you can appease their anxieties of you dating their kid. The more you know about their parents, the gainful the interview process should be.

Rule number 2.-Be confident about who you are as a person, insecurity can be loud even louder than confidence at times, you don't want their parents to think that you have low self esteem, you want to exude security within yourself. Don't misconstrue confidence with cockiness, no one loves someone who is a complete narcissistic and self a adsorb loser, your confidence should silently exude but loudly transcend.

Rule number 3.-Don't show up to the house empty handed, in some cultures when a man is interested in the daughter, they bring a gift. Try to find something that her mom could use, but dad could also appreciate.

 Rule number 4.-Try not to divulge to much too soon, remember you only get one shot to make a first impression. Just answer their questions with realistic answers and be honest, unless you are disguising yourself then fabricate,fabricate and fabricate the truth! Just kidding, you want to be as transparent as you can, remember you love their daughter or son and they love you.

Rule number 5.- If they ask you what your long term plan is, be clear and SELL it, parents especially want to know that you're headed some place great,especially if you plan on being with their kid. No plan equals no invite back into their home, which would could possibly affect your relationship.

Rule number 6. Don't  be too touchy, but don't be too distant. For the optics sake, try to think of your partner as a first date, be charming with them, but have respectable boundaries as you'd normally have in a public place. To think how my girlfriends dad would had responded if he had spotted us kissing in his home. That would have been inappropriate, so remember their watching!

Rule number 7.- When leaving, remember to thank them for having you, give eye contact and smile. They'll remember how well you engaged and your pleasant attitude.

Hope these small points helped you in someway, be sure to drop a comment below and tell me what you thought.



  1. Meeting Bae's Parents, has to be one of the most intimidating scenarios for any person to place themselves! I Value your well versed step by step how to guide on "winning over bae's parents". From the rooter to the tooter; one through seven are well thought out and realistic. I really took a liking to rule number three, because it shows that shilvary is alive and present especially around the parenta child, and that is, I think what parents want to see; their child cared for. Thanks for the good read, it helps the shy introverts like me, while in socially awkward and forced scenarios.
    I look forward to reading more blogs.

    The Lovely Truth💋

    1. Thanks so much for your feedback! It is greatly appreciated- I hope to continue bringing some entertaining content your direction! Stay tuned in.


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