When Women Rape Men

    Image result for Women raping men

  It might come to no surprise, but the idea of  men being raped by women is heavily disputed and even heavily debunked. I believe the scenario people cannot get pass is "how could a big strong man, be raped by a woman?"  Just to be clear, all of the definitions of  rape exclude men in gender, but not with regard to consent. Consent is an important factor when determining if a man can be raped by a woman, after all there are variables that could put a man in a precarious situation to be sexually assaulted. According to the law, only a man can commit rape (as the penetration has to be with a penis). I would argue what if he is under the influence, or in an incapacitated state of mind and the woman sexually assaults him to penetration, if he does not consent, why isn't that rape? What if she used her mouth?

    If penetration denotes the rape by forceful penetration of the penis then the law needs to give credence to consent from the male perspective. The idea that when it's a woman and male scenario that the man is always guilty cannot be the narrative, in my opinion is just demonstrably false. According the CDC's Rape numbers "Nearly 7 percent of men, however, reported that at some point in their lives, they were “made to penetrate” another person—usually in reference to vaginal intercourse, receiving oral sex, or performing oral sex on a woman. This was not classified as rape, but as “other sexual violence.” According to the same citing 12 months, men reported being “made to penetrate”—either by physical force or due to intoxication—at virtually the same rates as women reported rape (both 1.1 percent in 2010, and 1.7 and 1.6 respectively in 2011).

  With that case made, why is the notion of a man being raped immediately dismissed and seen as anti-alpha male within his cell community? In most cases men who are sexual assaulted by a woman never speak of it, out of fear of having their masculinity diminished. Why are men shamed for being sexually assaulted or raped by a woman. Sexual assault is not simply assigned to a gender and neither should rape be. I am not disputing that the majority of cases are from men raping women, I am merely shedding light on the minority cases that don't make it to the courts on the premise of rape.  We should give credence that consent has no gender, neither does rape.

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  1. Most men do not expose this type of information for fear of being emasculated and in most cases abuse of any kind comes from a superior!!! Some feel superior with having the threat of abusing a mans reputation by threats of saying "Rape"! I'm sure most athletes may experience this style of exploit.
    This is a very powerful article, because this topic is definitely kept very hush hush! Mr/Ms. Access Your Dreams keep up the good blogs I truly enjoy reading and being connected to sound content!

    1. Wow! I really appreciate your views on this. It was quite a touchy subject to touch on, but it shows that we still have to keep the dialogue open, even when it doesn't suit the majority narrative. Thanks so much, stay connected to the page. I have more coming for 2018!


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