Image result for government shutdown

     I'd like to take this grand moment to give a big (S)hole standing ovation to our President and Congress! You once again have proven what your real agenda is and that you couldn't even come together, EVEN on a bi-partisan deal in support of the Nation! Looks like while President Trump wanted to be celebrating all of his accomplishments or lack there of on Friday evening, instead he commenced his Presidential anniversary with a major government shutdown. Though this hasn't been the first government shut down our country has seen, most recent was in 2013 when Congress was unable to come to an agreement on The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as "Obamacare". At the start of the 2013 government shutdown, around 850,000 federal employees were furloughed per day, according to the Office of Management and Budget.
     The big question now is how long will the shut down last and who will this majorly affect? Our military could very well be feeling the biggest impact if Congress doesn't come together on a Bill that could move the economy along. While most Federal employees will still have to report to work with the reality of no pay, including the military. Congress will still be payed and are considered "exempt" from the "Shutdown". Lets keep the (S)hole applause going for the GOP Senators who voted no to a stopgap funding act to continue government services, including Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, Mike Lee , Rand Paul and our favorite Toby Turtle stand in, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who also voted no. While the Dems and Repubs go back to the drawing table, lets make our voices count by keeping the conversation going. These our our elected officials! Lets vote in our favor this next go around!

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