Why Employers Wont Hire You
If you've ever gotten a rejection letter from a company you've applied to or interviewed with, then that means that you've tried to reconcile why you didn't get the job. Missing out on a great work opportunity can damage your confidence, but not getting the job is not always a direct result of your lack of qualifications or interview performance, it could very well be your social media contents. In 2017, 70 percent of employers are screening candidates by looking at their social media profiles, according to a Career survey" over half of employers vet their applicants and potential hires by their social media content. Think about it, that crazy night that you had too much to drink and someone tagged you in a post, or the time you made a derogatory comment about your present or past employer, could have negated your credibility with the job. The argument to be made is does this clash with the right to privacy? After all the Right to Privacy, is not enumerated into the Constitution word for word, but it does bring up the Ninth Amendment that does give credence within the Bill of Rights to protecting rights that are not necessary specified in other Amendments.
The job market is highly competitive and the screening processes are becoming even more course. Some employers require a consent to credit reports others want driving records, with invasive information being requested, the suit follows to pre-screening social media accounts as well, but should employers be allowed to use social media content as a factor in the hiring process for applicants? After all, if a person is using their social media contents for a cause that does not align with the values of the organization, does that bring in discrimination against the candidate, or mutually exclusive with a background check. When is the line drawn at privacy? If it's on the Internet, is it really private or over-reach on the employers end. On the other side of this argument is that social media can often times be an extension of values and beliefs often times expressed by an applicant and it is a prolific dialogue into ones history.
It's hard to spot a racist or misogynistic person through a preliminary interview, but exploring their social media contents would expose views that might not parallel with the values of the administration. Although the issue is a divided one between Employers and Employees, what still stands is that some Employees do screen their applicants through social media and if you want the job, you may want to go through and make sure that your page doesn't disqualify you from the dream job you seek. The ironic thing is, your privacy is public, think about that the next time you decide to upload.
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